2.1 Setting up your first experiment

This section is a mini-tutorial that explains how to setup a very basic jsPsych experiment. The goal is to quickly get an experiment running so that you can see what a complete working experiment involves. Explanations of why certain steps are being taken are deliberately brief, and subsequent sections of this chapter will go into more detail.

2.1.1 Step 1. Create a folder for your experiment.

Pick any location on your computer and create a new folder. You can call the folder whatever you like, such as FirstExperiment.

Inside this folder create another folder called jspsych.

2.1.2 Step 2. Download the jsPsych library.

The jsPsych library is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/jspsych/jspsych. You can download the latest release on the releases page of the GitHub repository. Under each release you will see three files. Two are Source Code (zip) and Source Code (tar.gz). The other begins with jspsych- and ends with a version number. At the time of writing, the current release is v6.0.5 so the file to download is jspsych-6.0.5.zip.

Once this file has downloaded, open the ZIP archive and move all of the files to the jspsych folder that you created in the previous step.

2.1.3 Step 3. Create a new HTML file.

Open your coding-friendly text editor of choice (see SECTION 1.XXX if you don’t have an editor) and create a new file. In this file, create a [minimal HTML] document using the following code.

<!DOCTYPE html>

Save this file as experiment.html inside the FirstExperiment folder. image or outline of directory structure here?

2.1.4 Step 4. Load the jsPsych library.

Recall from SECTION XXX that JavaScript can be loaded from external .js files by including a <script> tag in the <head> section of an HTML document. To load jsPsych, add a <script> tag to the experiment.html file, with the src attribute linking to the jspsych.js file in the jspsych folder.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="jspsych/jspsych.js"></script>
A few things to be aware of when loading files in your experiment. 1. Make sure that the file paths in your HTML file match the exact names and locations of your files, including the letter capitalization (lowercase vs uppercase). 2. The file paths in your HTML file are relative to the location of your HTML file. The example above assumes that this HTML file is located in the top level of your main experiment directory, and that this directory also includes a folder called ‘jspsych’, which contains all of the jspsych files. If this is not the directory struture that you’re using, then you will need to modify the file paths in your HTML file accordingly.

At least one plugin file is required to create an experiment. Load the html-button-response plugin by adding a <script> tag that points to the jspsych-html-button-response.js file in the jspsych/plugins folder.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="jspsych/jspsych.js"></script>
    <script src="jspsych/plugins/jspsych-html-button-response.js"></script>

Note that plugins should always be loaded after the main jspsych.js file is loaded.

2.1.5 Step 5. Create a welcome screen.

This simple experiment will show a single screen, welcoming the participant to the experiment. There will be a button that the participant can click to continue (which will end the experiment).

To create the welcome screen, create a JavaScript object called welcome. The object needs a few parameters, shown below. This code should be placed inside the <script></script> section of the HTML file.

var welcome = {
  type: 'html-button-response',
  stimulus: 'Welcome to the experiment!',
  choices: ['Continue']

The type parameter tells jsPsych which plugin is being used to construct the trial. In Step 4, you added a <script> tag to load the html-button-response plugin, and now the plugin is being used to construct this trial.

Each plugin has a set of parameters. Two of the parameters for the html-button-response plugin are stimulus and choices. stimulus controls what content is displayed on the screen above the button. The plugin expects the stimulus to be a string, which may include HTML tags. choices is an array of labels for one or more buttons. In this example, there is a single button with the label 'Continue'.

2.1.6 Step 6. Create a timeline and add the welcome screen.

A jsPsych experiment is defined by its timeline. The timeline is covered in depth later in this chapter. For now, think of the timeline as an ordered list of trials. After a trial is complete, the experiment progresses to the next trial in the timeline.

The jsPsych timeline is created by adding trial objects, like the welcome object above, to an array. After the code above that defines the welcome trial, create an empty array called timeline, and then add the welcome object into the timeline array like this:

var timeline = [];


2.1.7 Step 7. Start the experiment!

Once you’ve created a timeline array that contains one or more trials, you can run the experiment. To start the experiment, call the function jsPsych.init(). This function takes an object of parameters. The only required parameter is timeline. The value of this parameter is the array of trials that you created in the previous step.

  timeline: timeline

2.1.8 The completed experiment.

Here’s what the completed HTML file looks like:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="jspsych/jspsych.js"></script>
    <script src="jspsych/plugins/jspsych-html-button-response.js"></script>
    var welcome = {
      type: 'html-button-response',
      stimulus: 'Welcome to the experiment!',
      choices: ['Continue']
    var timeline = [];
      timeline: timeline

You can run the experiment by opening the experiment.html file with a web browser. The window below shows a running version of the experiment.

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